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20 Items to help you become more organized in your next holiday trip of 2020

The world has changed and so has the travel etiquette, due to the coronavirus pandemic. When the virus has locked us in our homes, the desire to go out has only grown. People who imagined that Wi-Fi and food would help them live the rest of their lives, regret that decision.

As humans we love to travel, see new things, go on an adventure and be free under the blue sky. It is only natural that most of us are counting days till we can move again and pack our bags for our next trip. However, there is a new twist. The travelling style is not the same as it was on 1st January 2020. Sanitisation and health have taken the first place on the priority list even before adventure.

Thus, check out this guide which deals on how to travel in the new world and fit in the changing times. Learn about 20 items that are must for an organised trip of 2020 or for post Covid times.

  • Hand sanitisers

For years we have ignored hand sanitisers and health guidelines when on trips. In the new world where you can get infected by coronavirus so easily, having a hand sanitiser is a must. You never know what you are touching while travelling.


You can find the List of bestselling Hand Sanitisers here


  • Mosquito repellent

It is less said when we mention that a good mosquito repellent can save lives. We tend to ignore this pest and its ability to cause a series of diseases. You must have a mosquito repellent in your bag while traveling to tropical countries.

Here is the list of bestselling Mosquito repellent


Under the new guidelines by the World Health Organisation (WHO), you need to wear masks while travelling outdoors and when in presence of other people. Washable masks are better as you can sanitise them at any moment you feel necessary. Unlike surgical masks that need to throw away after being used, these can be used for a longer period.


You must be thinking that this is the most important item on your packing checklist. But in a world where health comes first, sanitization takes the first place. A document organizer is also very important, as it helps in keeping all the documents arranged in a single place, like your passports, tickets, and other necessary travel documents.


It is the 21st century and we all have faced this common problem while traveling, not enough power outlets for all our electronic devices. A modern-day traveler contains too many devices that all require charging at the end of the day. Thus, to be on the safe side, carry a multi-USB Charger. Moreover, it is a good choice when you are traveling in a group, and you will not require to fight for the charging time of their devices.


Getting all devices connected is a huge first-world problem, irrespective of whether you are traveling alone or in a group. A mobile router is a game-changer that will help you always stay connected and is very easy to use. However, it is important to check the range of frequencies the device supports, as each country uses a different one and their SIM cards are locked in specific frequencies.


Water is an important requirement while traveling, whether it is while you are hiking or sunbathing on a beach. Moreover, in airports where you are not allowed to carry use, and throw plastic bottles, this can come in handy.


The amount of SD cards, plugs, earphones, and adaptors one requires while traveling nowadays is astonishing. To organize these messy tech accessories, you simply need a digital organizer. Check out a waterproof electronics organizer to keep everything neat and organized.


Invest in this compact device for charging even while you are on your road trip. While traveling you traverse forests, small villages, and all rural places that might not have electricity for days. This is where a power bank comes to the rescue.


In the fast and new world health takes precedence. Melatonin regulates your sleep cycle and while travelling this can get disrupted pretty easily. Thus, while switching continents, you will require this supplement to hold you together.



Although smart phone cameras are going through extreme evolution and are getting more powerful with each passing year, they can never beat a good old digital camera. If you are into photography and want great pictures of your trip, this is your mate.


A money belt is an inexpensive way of keeping all your money and documents close to you and safe while travelling to less safe places.


Take sanitisation and safety into account and get yourself a microfibre towel. You can stop using the ones your hotel provides and trust your own health principles. These towels do not take much place and dries extremely fast.


When travelling to beautiful spots in a third world country, these come in handy. When tap water is not drinkable, having an extra purifying bottle is helpful. You do not want to get sick while travelling.


A severe neck pain while travelling on flights on long distance journey is a common travel issue. You can easily solve it with a travel pillow. This supports your neck, corrects your posture and relaxes you so that you are free of back pains while traversing a leafy trail.


We always require a few moments of silence, and time to space out and suck in the beauty of nature or just time to think about the trip. Thus, carry with you a pack of ear plugs that help you disconnect easily and helps in dealing with air pressure during altitude changes when in a flight.


Music is a must when on a solo trip. Carry your favourite set of noise cancelling earphones and ignore your loud co passenger on a train journey and concentrate on the green moors.


You want to share your playlist and sing to the same song while you cross the mountains, a headphone jack splitter will help you do so. Sharing Bluetooth to listen to the same podcast is not a feature yet, hopefully when that changes you can cut this essential item off the list.


Irrespective of the place you are about to visit, a backpack is a necessity to stay organised and keep the day’s requirements handy and near you always. They are lightweight and easy to carry thus best travel buddies.


If you are bad at packing and end up messing the placement of all the items, packing cubes are your solution to stay organised. Find the item you require at any time as these help in placing everything safely and neatly.


Wishing you a happy journey, with the above items in your bag. Organised trip is a happy trip.


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